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Differences To IJavaScript

Ashley Davis edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 3 revisions

Occasionally I get asked the question "how is Data-Forge Notebook different to Jupyter Notebook + IJavaScript?"

Here's my detailed response:

IJavaScript is a plugin to Jupyter Notebook to make it work with JavaScript. You have to do work to get IJavaScript integrated and even then it's a poorly integrated solution and you'll struggle to effectively visualize your output in Jupyter Notebook. Data-Forge Notebook on the other hand is designed to work as a desktop application with an integrated version of Node.js. Data-Forge Notebook is designed from the start to work well with JavaScript.

In Data-Forge Notebook visualisation of output from your JavaScript code just works and you can visualise JavaScript arrays, objects, data tables, interactive charts and so on.

Data-Forge Notebook comes with a ton of example notebooks that show you how do visualisation and work with data in JavaScript. Some of them may be good starting points for your own projects.

Data-Forge Notebook allows you to export your notebook to runnable code, either export your notebook as a single JavaScript file or a complete Node.js project. This means you can prototype code in Data-Forge Notebook and then export it to run in your production JavaScript application! (v1 only, may be implemented again for v2)

Data-Forge Notebook also supports TypeScript and it could support other JavaScript-based languages in the future.

Data-Forge Notebook supports pluggable visualizations. Starting in v2 it is much easier to integrate any JavaScript visualization library into DFN.

Data-Forge Notebook's key strength is that it just works. You download it, install it then start coding. You don't have to build any code. You don't have to integrate any plugins. You don't even have to manually install any npm modules. It just works and you get coding done.